Get Your Copy Of Chaos to Reinvention: How to Turn Chaos into Clarity
Jerry Isenhour is a businessman who has been through some of the toughest times imaginable. From successfully running multiple businesses simultaneously to losing everything in the economic crash of 2008, Jerry has experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows. Jerry lost years of work, homes, and businesses, and began to look at himself as a tremendous failure. But to quote Dr. John Maxwell, “One must learn to Fail Forward,” and his is a real-life example of how one does that, even when faced with the bleakness of no job, no income, and very little hope, armed only with a belief that I Can Do This!
Jerry invites you to take a journey into his past, an adventure into entrepreneurship in which he crashes and burns, only to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix.
As a speaker and coach, he uses his failures and hard-learned business lessons to help other business owners realize that they can build sustainable, successful businesses and avoid major pitfalls and failures along the way. Jerry has written Chaos To Reinvention in the hope of extending a helping hand to those not yet in his life and to use his failures and hard times to inspire, motivate, and assist those beyond his current reach. It is this idea of using his failures to help others that led Jerry to write this book, Chaos to Reinvention: How to Turn Chaos into Clarity.
Have you been winging it in business? Are you making mistakes left and right by leaving your future and your business’ future in the hands of others? Do you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom with your business and personal life? Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to bounce back and reach your dreams? If so, Jerry invites you to take a journey into his past, an adventure into entrepreneurship in which he crashes and burns, only to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. Because as Jerry will share with you, there is no path to your dreams except through your own realization that you can either be your biggest enemy or you biggest cheerleader. Only if you look in the mirror will you ever see the person who is blocking you from your dreams in life!
Chaos to Reinvention details the development of Jerry’s various business ventures into the service, retail, and manufacturing segments of American business. It also includes all the steps leading up to the chaos that ensued because of the bull market and then the market crash of the 21st century. You’ll see how his own world came crashing down and what he went through to build a new world in which he was no longer the victim, no longer the fool, rather the source of the ways to move to his dreams. This deeply intimate portrait shows how easy it can be to lose it all, and the rebirth one can enjoy with the help of supportive friends and family, and a drive to help others. Reignite your vision and passion, and see your failures from a new viewpoint. Get your copy of Chaos to Reinvention: How to Turn Chaos into Clarity today!
Consider booking Jerry as the presenter at your next event and you’ll experience first-hand why people are talking about